Join us

Essex Bridleways Association is committed to the achievement of safe, convenient, enjoyable access to the countryside for non-motorised users through Essex. It would be great if every rider in the County were to join our campaign, enabling us to make progress that much faster.

We also hold between ten and twelve well organised rides through good Essex countryside each year, for which EBA members pay a reduced entry fee. Members can also use the Ride with a Guide scheme where you can meet up with fellow riders for a guided private ride.

Why join ?

Please join - a stronger membership will make riding less dangerous and more enjoyable. We believe a strong bridleways association ensures the law is upheld, that bridleways are kept in good condition and that pressure is maintained on Essex County Council, Thurrock and Southend Councils to ensure this happens.

Membership is only £15 a year and free for children under 16 years. EBA Members get priority booking as well as reduced ride entry rates so why not save up to £5.00 on every ride entry and become a member NOW? Reduced ride entry rates apply as soon as you have joined and membership is for a full year from the date you join.

All money is spent on fighting for a better bridleway network. We have had many successes and the more funds we can raise, the more we can achieve.

Email EBA Membership Secretary Alison Craigmile should you have any questions about membership.

Membership benefits

  • Get reduced entry fees on all EBA rides with priority entry to some of our rides
  • "Update" magazine in spring and autumn
  • Email notifications of current news and events
  • Take part in the Ride with a Guide scheme
  • Help with problems on bridleways and dangerous roads
  • Help with claiming lost bridleways
  • 30% discount on your first BHS membership
  • Up to 10% discount on new insurance policies taken out with South Essex Insurance Brokers


Become a member

To become a member, you can either join online or download an application form using the links below.

Join online
Renew online

Download Membership Form